Fast forward to an hour later upon our return from said walk when he admits that it was actually pretty great. Ha! I thought with great satisfaction. You see! If only you'd not be such a punk when something is put before you. You know it typically is good for you & has your best interests at heart So there. Oh. Crap. Maybe it's just me but I am pretty sure I throw a mean fit to whenever Something catches me off guard or is out of my comfort zone. I may not be weeping & wailing (at least as far as you can tell) but I can stomp my foot with the best of them.
Isn't that the way we are? We hear that still, small voice. It asks us to initiate something with someone or to put ourselves out there. But, we don't want to so we throw a tantrum in our own way by being busy or ignoring it until it is harder & harder to hear. We throw ourselves into other projects or relationships without a backward glance. We may be missing out on the very thing that is for our good & has our best interests at heart but not even know it. Unless you all are much more mature then me & it's just me who does this.
Encouraging my kids to be open to situations & what you can learn from them is no different. That is something I need to be reminded of even as a middle-aged woman. Yes, middle-age there is no sense in denying it any longer. Baah! Being middle-age is awesome! There is so much freedom in it. You wan't to wear your walking shoes with your jeans? Do it! Your feet will thank you. You think to yourself, but that's a mom thing. Newsflash No shame. Same goes for mom jeans & mom cuts. Which I don't even know what a mom cut looks like or if that's even a real thing, but I recently heard a hair-dresser laugh saying no one had ever asked for a "mom cut" from her before. Dude. If you are a lady & you have kids & you have hair you have a mom-cut. No way around it.
All that to say the next time my kiddo has an all-out-fit about something new or different I think I have to wonder if that is something he is learning from me. Does he sense my foot being stomped every time there is something new afoot? Does he notice that I drag my feet when a new opportunity is put before me? Maybe. Or maybe kids just come this way. Either way it will do us all a lot of good to slow our responses & be encouraged that it may just turn out to be pretty great after-all.